Sunday, June 27

The Perfect Date Spot

Last week Daniel's Mom and Dad visited for a week. We had a great time showing them around Jaco. The week was full of going to the beach, collecting shells at Esterillos- a beautiful nearby beach ( I am still in the process of figuring out how to get some of the shells I found home. Bekah Worley- I found these beautiful green, red, and white pieces to put into that vase/branch/jewelry piece we want to do for our room?!), we ate lunch and watched local surfers in the nearby town of Hermosa , shopped at local shops, and hung around the house.

Daniel's Parents are sooooo great! What an awesome family!! Mr. Lloyd and Mrs. Sue are absolutely HILARIOUS. Mr. Lloyd entertained me with his many jokes and funny 'business' cards while Mrs. Sue shared stories all about their family. Praise the Lord for parents with such hearts for missions. Each year they would take family mission trips all around. Daniel attests that their servanthood and support as a family spurred the beginnings of his heart for missions-- which eventually has lead them to here. All week I enjoyed watching them interact with their grandkids and Daniel and Sarah. Thomas and Jacob now have a huge bag full of balloons, candy, a new toys to play with for the next few months.

I saw Daniel's adventurous spirit come out one night as he excitedly took his parents up to an overlook right on the way out of town. It's located up on a surrounding 'mountain' (for us montreatians, we would label that a 'hill'). The mix of poor dirt, lots of rain, and the lack of prevention for erosion, makes this treck really bumpy and unpredictable. During the rainy season it's no surprise that the road could be completely washed out.

We decided to take the treck up right before sunset one afternoon. What a beautiful sight! Half way up the mountain there is an abandoned three- level hotel covered in beautiful white tiles with overlooks and views of both the Pacific and Jaco. I was seriously in a fairy tale. You park your car on the side of the road then take a 'sidewalk' (which was all tile and white pillars) along the side of mountain back to the abandoned levels. I could just image many Spring Formals here or better yet- weddings! Someone had strung lights up all around which made it magical. Sarah and I couldn't help but comment how awesome a place for a date night. The date of all dates for sure. Adventuresome and beautiful: perfection!

I hope to venture back up there soon! The mountain also has trails winding through it... with monkey and tropical things. Yes!!

Daniel, Sarah, Jacob (orange shirt), Thomas (grey shirt), and me

Sarah being a great mom!


Saturday Morning Kids Club

Each Saturday we head down to a local park, which was just fixed up by the Calvary Mission team, to perform a Kids Club. Kids from all around the neighborhood will come and join in for a game, bible story, craft, and refreshments.

This Saturday a mission group with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) put
on the whole program. It was such a blessing as they taught through the morning using the parable of the lost sheep. They played the game "Red light! Green light!, gave the Bible Story in Spanish, hid a stuffed animal sheep for the kids to find (hence- 'lost sheep' hehe), and finished up by letting the kids make cut out sheeps with cotton balls. Everyone had a blast!!

Each Saturday as I get to know these kids I am slowly reminded of Jesus' words when He says:
"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." - Matthew 18:3

May we become more and more dependent on Christ for all our needs: physical, spiritual, and mental. He is the Good Shepherd who looks after His flock. His heart for His Children is good.

Here are some the pictures from this Saturday:


The Lord knows just how to get to my heart. Put a cat in front of me and I melt (on most days). Forget what everyone says- how they have their 'own will', how they won't come when you call them, how they always just annoy you by getting in your face- blah blah blah. None of these bother me at all. Just one look at those tiny, innocent, cuddly eyes and I'm a goner.

Such is life when I meet Bob. I have seen many cats throughout my day, but none as cute as Bob. It was during the afternoon that one of our friends called us concerning a certain cat that had ventured into the house. For Sarah, this was like a nightmare since she is allergic. For me, an inward excitement!! We pulled up to the house to find one of the cutest creatures I have ever seen. He hobbled outside and just gazed up at us with these sweet eyes. See what I mean:

How can you not love this thing?!

For the concern of Sarah (and we all knew that we couldn't keep a cat) we left it outside in hopes that it would scurry on it's way. Needless to say, he was still around the next morning, and the next, and the next. Over the past few days he has become a little like family- even Daniel is a softy for him.

Over these past few days we have bonded tremendously. The kids and I play with it often, especially Jacob. He loves him! He seems to fit right in the family here through his interest of God's Word...

Unfortunately, he will need to go. There has been a few attempts here and there, but so far none successful. Anyone interested back home... I can look into the expenses of shipping animals. It can't cost to much, they are in over supply here.

Monday, June 21

Lexington Mission Team

I had an amazing first week serving the Lexington Mission Team from Calvary Chapel, Lexington SC! It was such a blessing to see a lot of my friends from the days way back when I was still in youth group. How the Lord is faithful to raise those up for the harvest! I was reminded of how we really are family- a huge family in Christ :) You guys are amazing brothers and sisters!

All week they learned how to be flexible and
yet available when needed. It's all the Lord's timing right? Their aroma and love was left all over this town as they gave their lives away by putting on two kids clubs', completely remodeling a local park, painting the church office, and loving on the Ticos!

We have missed their presence greatly since they have been gone, but are reminded of them often by the work they left behind. Here are just a few evidences to that:

Kid's Club at the Park on Saturday!

This is Palmera who is great friends with Daniel and Sarah. He is incredibly skilled at making things out of Palm Trees (hence his nickname)- really, he can almost make anything you ask. This is how he makes most of his income.

A beautiful little girl at Kid's Club!

One of the guys serving to clean the park up--
it looked so great after they were finished!

Some of the work the guys did cleaning up the park. They cut down all these trees and repainted a lot of the benches there.
(Funny side note- this guy here on the ladder, Gorge... totally fell off the top later on during the day, with a machete in his hand... head first- praise the Lord he is still alive and ok! But.. it did give the kids a laugh)

This is the second kid's club at the North Side of Town. Here was the first time anyone had a chance to go back there and minister to this community.

The church office where they worked hard cleaning and repainting. What a blessing now, the staff team can finally move in (haha meaning Sarah and Daniel can move boxes and boxes out of there house) and begin doing ministry here!

The futbol complex where we have church on Sundays!

Just some of the animals you will see here!

The entire team for the week! We will miss you guys! Thanks for all the hard work and serving you did!! :)

"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."

- 1 Corinthians 15:58

What Do You Make of This?

"Greater love has no one than this that someone lay down his life for his friends... but I have called you friends..." John 15:13, 15

Over this past week the Lord has began to challenge me in my obedience to Him throughout the ends and outs of the day. I read this earlier: "Jesus does not ask me to die for Him, but to lay down my life for Him... it is far easier to die than to lay down the life day in and day out with the sense of the high calling. We are not made for brilliant moments, but we have to walk in the light of them in ordinary ways.... Our Lord's first obedience was to the will of His Father, not to the needs of men; the saving of men was the natural outcome of His obedience to the Father..."- Oswald

One thing that I can say about serving in Jaco, is that ministry here is a lifestyle. We say that all the time around here and are further reminded each time someone stops by the house or when we run into someone in town. It can been so easy for me to try and live for only the 'brilliant' moments of ministry here. The Lord gently and faithfully reminded me yesterday morning how much I am missing out on His kingdom when I do this. So much of His love for me is showed throughout the most unexpected, random, and small things of each day.

Grant it, the Lord does do big and mighty things here and all around the world- and is continuing! His Spirit is moving within His people AND praise God for that! Those are things to praise Him for, but I am learning how much praise He deserves in all aspects of life, not just those 'big moments'. I just feel like so much of my life and love for Jesus is not manifested during those times. I find myself challenged more in the small, normal, mundane things that in the world's eyes dont seem to matter much. I understand so clearly how 'dying' is so much easier. It is a one time event. Once you're heart stops beating, your donezzo. However, to lay yourself down humbly for the Lord's service again and again and again, requires much. It requires just as much grace and mercy as in the so called big things, however in a more humble display.

So where is my call to obedience? Im praying and fighting for it to be in every single breath and action I take. His Spirit has to be alive and active in my life. Even if that means no one seeing the things I do or don't do. The Lord sees those things. I want a love so deep that anything asked of me produces a Spirit of obedience, no matter how small. If I can't be obedient to the small things anyway, how could I ever be obedient to the 'big things'? And what can I say to the God of the Universe who sacrificed His life for me- Only to call me a friend? May my first obedience always be to Christ. No matter how tempting the world, my flesh, and satan are.

May He always be our first love....
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. Yet a little while and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you also will live. In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. Whoever has My commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him." - John 14: 18-21

Sunday, June 20

Dia del Padre

I bet you never thought you would get a WHOLE blog post devoted to you!! Here you go Dad, I hope you know how much I love you!!!!

Top Ten Reasons Why YOU are a Shawesome Dad:
1) You have always supported me to the fullest... even through that one day I 'thought' I wanted to go to Clemson (don't worry, I always caught the bias of PC in our conversations... you knew best, always do)

2) You used to be in a band.. and had long hair. And thought it was cool.

3) You always rig my computers to have the best programs. Sooo, if I wanted to place a camera in front of a TV and record the World Cup to view it in an alternate location... you would know how to do that.

4) Even though I suck at finances, you don't.

5) You always taught me well, especially when it came to sports. There are only two: Carolina athletics and soccer.

6) You have an incredible tastes in music. And you love 70's music and that 70's show.

7) You love to watch hilarious YouTube Videos then email them to me.

8) You dominate at playing the guitar.

9) You love to do anything with me... even if it means hiking up mountains which are challenging!

10) You are always wanting to be involved with my life!

I hate that I can't be home to tell you in person how much I love you! You are so awesome and I couldn't be more thankful for a Father like you. You have always supported me and words can't express how thankful I am for all that you have done and are doing and I know will continue to do! I hope you have had an incredible day even though you didn't see me-- know that I've been thinking of you all day, and that I love you from Costa Rica and back :)

Tuesday, June 15

Cafe Del M@r

So, as most people know, I love coffee. I truly believe it's a desire from the Lord, because if not then Im just crazy and weird. I drink it all the time. As a matter of fact, I am having a cup right now.

One of my prayers and goals (since this summer is being counted as an internship, I know- a total blessing) is that I will be able to establish relationships with the locals (o Ticos/Ticas) here. I have had much practice with this through Young Life. Just get yourself seen right? One of the ways I decided to accomplish this was by finding a local coffee shop and going there every other day. I mean - come on- I love coffee and especially coffee from Costa Rica- and what a way to get out and "be seen" while having some individual time to do something that I love, plus I get to work on my spanish without the help of Sarah or Daniel.

I told Sarah the idea and she recommended this place called "Cafe Del Mar" (Coffee from the Sea). So, the day before the Lexington Mission team came in, I decided to take her up on the recommendation and go there for a few hours to work on putting together the team's morning devotional packet. It's a shop right off the main strip in Jaco. The inside is really small, but outside they have a nice covered area with fans (ohh yea, jump on that). The feel for the place is very beachy and Costa Rican. Yes, love it. All of the workers (or as far as I have seen) are women, so it is perfect! Daniel and Sarah dropped me off right before lunch and before I got out Sarah told me that the food there is EXCELLENT and to try a Casados, which is like a combo back in the states. So it comes with rice, beans, planton or plantans, a meat, and small salad. Yes please! I'll have the Casado con Pollo. Here is what I got:

It was muy incredible!! (very incredible) No way did I finish that whole plate, so I brought it home to finish off-- and get this: all of that for like 5ish dollars! That's what's up.

On Sunday the Lexington Mission Team went to church then had some free time to walk down the strip and shop. Some of my amigos from Lexington share with me in my love for coffee, so we decided to stop by Cafe Del Mar before their day was over. What a sight it was for those girls working when I brought 6 friends by for coffee. Haha, I wish I could have recorded our order conversation. That's a whole other blog within itself. Hilarious.

Every morning now, I try to make a run to the post office and then stop by Cafe Del Mar for my regular iced vanilla latte. The whole route takes like 20mins on a bike. I love that-- we bike everywhere. ( Quickly on that note, the traffic here is a little crazy. Cars hands down have the right away, so make sure you're out of the road. Most people here ride bikes and it's awesome: plus its another great opportunity to show your face around town)

Today was such a huge praise report though! I left the house on my normal routine. I got to Cafe Del Mar and placed in my order and sat outside with the bike until she was done. Now, typically my order is 1,500 Colones (which in the States is like 3 dollars). One of the safe things to do here is NOT flash your money and since I knew how much it was I pulled out the exact amount so I could just give it to her and leave. As soon as she was done, she walked around the counter then called me over. I handed her a 1000 Colones bill and then five 100 coins. She looked at me and shook her head! No No No, "solo un mil colones!" She spoke so fast at first I didn't really understand, so I pointed to my purse assuming I had misunderstood the price. I figured it was more than what I thought and I need to pay up. So I began to get my wallet out and she just shook her head and said more slowly, "Solo UN MIL Colones!" Then I processed! I understood!!!! They had dropped the price for me!!!!! I payed for a normal latte about 2 dollars today. What an answer to prayer.

I praise the Lord not because it was less money, but because by His grace He is establishing a relationship between us. They are beginning to recognize that I love to stop by there every morning for my 'usual' coffee. No longer do I get the "gringa" price and THAT is such a blessing. Just the title and recognition. My prayer is that the Lord will continue to grow the relationships between the girls there and myself. If anything, I leave praying over each one and rest that God is in the business of growing seeds-- even in my own heart!